
The purpose of this blog is to provide a tool for parents, teachers and staff at Greenbrier Elementary to share ideas & information and to build community. With this in mind...

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FREE PREP Conference and Resource Fair

Free! Live and Learn... 1st Annual Parent Conference and Resource Fair

Sponsored by PREP/Parent Resource Center (www.prep-prc.org) and the Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC) of Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Madison

WHEN - Saturday, March 8, 2008, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
WHERE - PREP/Parent Resource Center (Ivy Creek School Building) 225 Lambs Lane, Charlottesville

Join your friends, neighbors, and colleagues for a day of learning, sharing, and fun. All free, with food and childcare*.

Topics include parent advocacy, sensory strategies, family dynamics, assistive technology and more.

For more information and to register:Sarah Blech, Coordinator, PREP/Parent Resource Center
(434) 975-9400 ext. 2342 or sblech@k12albemarle.org

* Childcare is limited. Please register early if you need childcare.

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Parents, Educators, and Community Agencies:
Partners in the Education of All Children

The Special Education Parent Advisory Committee is composed of parents of students who require special education services, other interested persons from the community, and educators in the field who have an interest in special education. This committee provides advice concerning unmet needs in the education of children with disabilities and assists in the formulation and development of long-range plans for these children. Any parent who is interested is encouraged to attend the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee meetings. For more information contact your Director of Special Education.

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